Tag Archive: Bernie Sanders

Ladies and the Trump…

Trump has a problem with women. He does. Believe me. My vagina dries up the minute I hear his gravelly voice spewing unintelligent bullshit only his “uneducated” supporters seem to understand.

I cannot respect a man who has zero respect for women beyond their value as sexual creatures. He even sexualizes his own daughter. Have you ever heard Trump talk about his daughter Ivanka?  Do you not gag every time he lasciviously brags about what a great body she has and how if she weren’t his daughter, he’d be dating her? On a side note, does he really think that a young, wealthy, successful business woman, who doesn’t need a green card, or his money, would ever date him, daughter or no? Puhleez! Has he looked in a mirror lately? Has he SEEN that face? Stupid and ugly – He’s lucky he’s rich or he’d never get laid. But I digress.

If all Trump seems to care about when listing his own daughter’s ‘achievements’ is her appearance, then what do you think his first consideration is when hiring females?

When Carly Fiorina was still competing for the GOP nomination, he went after her not for her horrible record as a business woman – he went after her appearance (“Have you SEEN that face?”). When Megyn Kelly challenged him during the first debate, referencing his previous attacks on women, he came back with a not so veiled reference about her attitude being a result of her “bleeding from her wherever.” And now, with Hillary Clinton appearing to be the one he will face in the General Elections, he comes out with perhaps the dumbest statement ever, claiming that the only thing she has going for her is that she is a woman.

Like her or not, and believe me, I don’t, she has a hell of a resume. He said if she were a man, she’d be losing? The truth is,  if she were a man, he’d be shitting his pants. It is because she is a woman that he thinks he can beat her. In the world of Trump, the man is always on top.  I’ve lived with a narcissistic douchebag who thought that he was the king of the castle and all women were subservient to him. I know of what I speak. If Hillary were a guy, Trumps balls would have shriveled up at the idea of going to battle with her. Hence his need point out her femininity, or her use of the so called “Woman Card.” In his mind, somehow pointing out that Hillary is a female weakens her, when in fact, it strengthens the resolve among women to NOT vote for his misogynistic ass.

And for all of you spewing that crap about wanting a president who isn’t so “politically correct” – There’s a difference between “Politically Correct” and common decency. So stop it, or I might have to remind you that most Trump supporters are viewed as white trash assholes who still wave a confederate flag while wearing white robes and burning crosses and bowing to some shit head who calls himself a “Grand Wizard.” So lets cut the PC shit. It’s not a matter of being PC or not, it’s a matter of respect. And nothing about Trump, when it comes to women, is respectful.

There are a million other reasons why I would never vote for Trump –  His embracing both the KKK and the American Nazi Party; His views on race; His proposed foreign policy; His proposed economic policy; His complete inability to act like a grown man instead of a toddler; His promotion of violence against those who speak out against him;  His lack of class; His proposal to get rid of the free press; His proposal to reinstate torture and ‘make’ the military do whatever he tells them to do; His proposal to get rid of both the EPA and the DOE (so we’ll have even more uneducated voters for him to swindle… but with the planet dying, we won’t have to endure him for TOO long).

The list goes on and on. And while those are all valid reasons, as a woman who enjoys being valued for her brain, I refuse to vote for a man who thinks that what he has (or doesn’t have) below his belt gives him any right to treat me as a second class citizen. Trump thinks Hillary has a problem with female voters? He clearly hasn’t seen the polls. At present, Hillary leads Trump in the female vote 66% to 33%.

I’m a woman who doesn’t like Hillary. I’m a woman who still wishes there was a real  path for Bernie to win the nomination. But I’m a realist. So, I’ll vote for her if she is the Democratic nominee,  because I’m also a woman who likes breathing clean air and drinking clean water; I appreciate well educated people; I love being a citizen of a country that has a Constitution we can all argue freely about; I would prefer my tax dollars be directed towards the improvement of our infrastructure, education and health systems and not towards paying subsidies to companies who don’t pay a dime in taxes; I will vote for Hillary, because the next President will be appointing one or more Supreme Court Justices, and I would like to see Citizens United overturned, Roe v Wade and Obergefell v Hodges upheld.  I’ll vote for her, because I respect myself way too much to ever vote for a misogynist like Trump.

As for the few women who will vote for Heir Drumpf, hey to each their own. They clearly enjoy being reduced to sex objects, who, if they aren’t as attractive as the daughter he wishes he could bang, he sees as nothing more than pigs and hags. They obviously love the idea of working their asses off only to earn about 75% of what their male counterparts do. They obviously have no problem with being treated as second class citizens or being told what they can or cannot do with their own bodies. They can’t possibly have read his Foreign Policy proposal that was released just yesterday. They obviously don’t care that his way of getting out of debt is by filing for bankruptcy. They clearly don’t mind being represented abroad by this thin skinned imbecile who would no doubt consider half of them too unattractive or old to hire at one of his firms. It’s a sad fact. But that’s fine, because there are more of us who are thinking of the country and the well being of women in the country than of our dislike of Hillary.

Obviously, 66% of us actually love ourselves and our country enough to make sure that Trump never sees the inside of the Oval Office from the business side of the desk. We may not all LOVE Hillary, but she, and her use of the “Woman Card” trumps the Trump card any day.






The Problem With Hillary

Between Benghazi and the Email Scandal, the Republicans have been working overtime to discredit Hillary Clinton.  The Koch-Adelson-Murdoch-cabal fueled propaganda machine, one that would make Goebbels proud, has definitely managed to severely damage Hillary’s image, as it was its intent.  But it has done nothing to make the Republican candidates look any better – something no amount of money will ever be able to do.

The truth is most people, even those who will spew out the cherry-picked details and fact-free FOX News talking points, realize that nothing can make the candidates on the right win in the general election. So, instead, why not try to damage top candidate on the Democratic side as much as possible?  After all, even if she wins the Presidency, all this damage can be used to justify the disrespect with which they would address a President Hillary Clinton.

As a woman who falls into the ‘liberal’ camp, most people think that the idea of the first female President would thrill me to no end.  And if it were anyone other than Hillary Clinton, I may agree.  But there’s a problem. Even though I have no doubt, that should Hillary Clinton win the Democratic nomination, she would beat out any of the potential nominees currently leading in the Republican polls, her Presidency would be in effect, dead on arrival.

Hillary Clinton has one main problem – the Republicans HATE her – more than they hated her husband, and more than they hate Barack Obama.  Remember how far they went to try and discredit Bill Clinton? Spending $80 million of tax payer money only to find out that this President was doing the same thing so many other Presidents have done in the past. They made a HUGE deal out of basically, nothing more than an extra-marital fling. Clinton responded the same way any married guy who got caught out there by denying everything and hoping it would go away, and for that, they wasted more time and money by that farce of an impeachment trial.  (The irony here is that all Clinton lied about was a blow job. I would LOVE to figure out why Dubbya,  who lied to the American public in order to thrust us into a war, a lie that resulted in countless dollars wasted, lives lost, and the build-up of Isis, never came up on charges for his lies, but I digress).  If they went that far with him, how far do you think they will go to discredit his wife, who they hate even more?

The fact that the Republicans couldn’t get rid of Bill, and the fact that to this day, most Democrats would gladly have him back in office if not for term limits, has made the Republicans even more determined to make sure that his wife doesn’t get elected.  They are counting on the paranoid, the uneducated, and the short sighted members of the public to buy into all this talk of her being “untrustworthy” or “cold”. Whether they are right or wrong makes no difference. Once something is out there, people will believe every word and simply the perception (true or false) of “untrustworthiness” will follow her for the rest of her days no matter what she does or says and no matter how many times she ‘reboots’ her image.

Should she win the Presidency, the Republicans will work even harder than they did during the Obama administration to make sure a sitting President gets nothing done.

Hillary didn’t get my vote in the primaries last time around (full disclosure, neither did Barack Obama). And she’s not getting my vote in the Primaries this time either. Not because of anything the Republicans have said, but because I simply like one of her opponents more.  But that’s the primaries. I’ll have no choice but to back her if she get the nomination, because I’ll be damned if I ever vote for a misogynistic, homophobic, climate-change denying, war-mongering member of the clown posse.

The biggest problem with Hillary is the fear that she won’t be able to get the other side to cooperate with her no matter what she does, because, she is the wife of the guy the Republicans could never beat and the former Secretary of State to the guy they hate even more than they hated her husband.  And, she’s a woman with some serious balls – They REALLY can’t handle that.

The truth is, if Hillary wins the Democratic nomination, she will be President.  The truth also is, if Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nomination, he will be President.  And make no mistake, even Joe Biden, should he choose to run, would beat any of the folks currently most popular on the other side.

The Republicans can’t win the Oval no matter what they do because they aren’t willing to do the one thing that would give them any kind of advantage – they aren’t willing to change. They are running on the same platform, with the same extreme right-wing views, that lost them the last two elections. I can all but guarantee you the third time won’t be the charm. Put it this way, they only have one candidate among that circus of clowns vying for the nomination that actually has enough appeal to get enough ‘undecideds’ that he might be able to beat a  Democratic nominee and that’s John Kasich. But, because of the fact that he’s not a right wing extremist, war-mongering, Obama-hating, Murdoch-fed nut job, he won’t get the nomination. Don’t get me wrong, he is still a conservative, both on social issues as well as fiscal issues, but he actually is reasonable enough to realize that his personal religious views aren’t the means by which he should govern and he’s willing to compromise on key issues with the Democrats. So while I don’t agree with Governor Kasisch, I actually respect him for not being a reprehensible, potential dictator, like some of his fellow candidates – Sadly, his being a reasonable human being will be the very thing that will prevent him from being nominated – Thus, guaranteeing another four years of the Democrats running the White House – Good job Republicans – Let’s see what you come up with in 2020, because you’ve already lost 2016.

Since they can’t win, and won’t, what they can do is continue to obstruct any kind of progress any Democrat elected into the Presidential office would try to make.  This will be easier with Hillary, because there are just so many people who perceive her in such a negative light – thanks largely due to the fact that the propaganda coming from the Right is so well organized (seriously, who cares that the most of the media is liberal? The Fox News drones are just wonderful at hitting their mark, aren’t they? Also proving the point that when crazy people talk, everyone listens).

The worst thing they could say about Bernie Sanders is that he’s a “Socialist” (a term they deem to be bad, but honestly, anyone who has ever taken a civics class knows the difference between Communism and Democratic Socialism).   In any case, it’s really hard to make him seem untrustworthy or worthy of the scorn and hatred with which they pelt Hillary, because he’s actually pretty well liked on both sides of the aisle.  Joe Biden, too, would not be greeted with as much of the obstructionist tactics, because, despite having been Obama’s VP, he is still a really likeable guy, and seemingly “trustworthy”.

But Hillary? Yeah, they’re going to hate on her big time no matter what, which makes no sense, but there you have it. How much can she get done with them pelting her with bombs every other week and finding yet another ‘scandal?’ Because make no mistake, whether there are more ‘skeletons’ in her closet or not, they will find something. She could say the ‘sky is blue’ and the next day there will be scandal saying she wants to bomb the moon. It is what it is. But what it isn’t, is a promising future for this country.

And that’s the problem with Hillary. Even if she wins, she loses, and so do we.

Earlier today, after seeing so many Republicans (and Democrats, if we’re being honest here), in response to Donald Trump’s disgusting and down-right disrespectful comments regarding John McCain’s military service, come to John McCain’s defense (as we all should), a friend of mine brought up the interesting insight that up until now, the Republicans haven’t protested much, if any, of the Donald’s rants against the rest of humanity.

Where the hell have they been?

Where were they, for example, when he questioned a sitting President’s Birth Certificate?  (My friend forgot to mention that Trump ALSO questioned Obama’s Harvard transcript…. Or rather, his ability to have been accepted to both Columbia and Harvard when he’d “heard” that Obama was a horrible student and HIS friend’s kids who got better grades never got accepted..) But yeah, Trump isn’t racist. He’s got “plenty of Black friends – he gets along with the blacks.” (Trump’s words – not mine).

Where, also, my friend asked, was the outrage when Trump dishonored John Kerry’s military service, and Al Gore’s, and Democratic Senator Max Cleland’s (double amputee) military heroism?

Where were they when he dishonored every Mexican Immigrant in the United States?  (Okay, to be fair, aside from that ‘Mensa candidate’ Ted Cruz, the rest of them DID come out to say that Trump was wrong… Of course, they only did so because the Republican Party is desperate to get the Latino Vote…  Since clearly, they will NEVER overwhelmingly get the female vote.. Let’s not even get into how Trump went after Jeb for taking sides with the immigrants because his wife is Mexican – Bad enough I’m defending John McCain, I’ll be damned if that loud-mouthed buffoon has me defending a member of the Bush Family!)

Where were they when Trump was doing as Trump does, before?

They were helping to create this Trump-monster.

They LOVED when he was throwing shade at the President.  They were completely comfortable allowing a blow-hard TV show loud mouth with a bad comb-over speak out-loud what every last one of them was actually thinking.

Trump was absolutely speaking what they were all thinking when he went off on a “kid like Obama” not deserving admission to Ivy League schools when so many of his friend’s (read ‘white’, ‘affluent’, did I mention, ‘white’?) kids couldn’t get in.

They were jizzing their pants every single time Trump belittled even the heroic military service of any Democrat.

They were screaming like school girls at a Bieber concert when he said that vile thing about Mexican Immigrants.

Why? Because they couldn’t legitimately say it themselves and they knew that the viewers of FOX News would eat that shit up as if it were caramel coated Haggen Daas. Don’t believe me? Go ask your Republican grandparents if they believe Obama was actually born in the United States.. Go.  I’ll wait.

Done? Good.

So now that we have established that the Republican Party has created this monster. Do they have any right to say anything in response to his vile verbal diarrhea? No. They don’t. They WILL, because most of them realize he’s gone too far, but they really should just shut up and eat it because he is THEIR Frankenstein Monster (albeit, Frankenstein had a lot more class – and a much better hair style).

They made it okay to talk shit about a sitting President with all this ‘Birther’ and ‘Grader’ crap.

Hey remember when George W got us into two wars in which we had no business taking part in, got thousands of our Military men and women killed, or permanently wounded for life, and killed our economy because we couldn’t pay for it all? – yeah, anytime one of us tried to point that out, we were ‘disrespecting the President.’ A president who was barely a “C” student at a school he himself admits his daddy helped him in to, and who basically avoided military service by joining the National Guard, and thanks to Daddy, once again, never left Texas while so many (including John McCain and John Kerry) went to battle in Vietnam.

The current President has managed to get us out of the Recession, despite the Republicans. He actually was a good student (despite what Trump “heard”) and was born in Hawaii – Which, if I’m not mistaken was a part of the US back in 1961? Right? But yeah, talking shit about him is okay.

What happened to respecting the office regardless of what we think of the man occupying it? Or is that kind of respect only reserved for old white men?

It was the Republicans and their media outlets (all owned by Rupert Murdoch), who made it okay to disparage immigrants. You know, those people who try to come here for a better life;  who are willing to pick our produce, clean houses and offices, and watch over privileged brats grow up into mirror images of their asshole parents?  Do we have an issue with Immigration? Yes, of course we do. But it was the Republicans who made it okay to discuss immigrants as if they weren’t even human. Just watch one episode of Fox and Friends.. Or Morning Joe.. or that old guy who looks like a short skeleton with shoe-leather dyed hair and wrinkles a Sharpe would be jealous of… They discuss immigrants and the poor and women with such disdain I can’t understand how they have such a huge following. Are there really that many old white guys in this country?

So don’t ask where the Republicans were before Trump went after McCain. They were right there, giving his pencil-dick a nice tongue bath (oh, please, anyone who has to have his name on every building and constantly talk about how rich he is most assuredly is making up for a needle-thin gherkin between his legs. Maybe that’s why he’ doesn’t like Latinos…  ¿Celoso mucho pendejo?).

What kills me is that despite all this crap, he’s leading in the Republican Polls. As someone who wouldn’t vote for a Republican candidate anyway, I should be happy to see the other side imploding. Put Trump up against an one of our guys (or gal), and should sanity prevail, the Democrats get another four years in office. But sadly, this situation, at first funny, has played out it’s comedic value.  The truth is, in order for this country to work, we really need to learn how to have an actual discourse between intellectuals who seriously want to make this country work (as opposed to a bloated asshole who really is doing this because he clearly needs his ego stroked – Doesn’t he have a wife? Or, has she grown as sick of him as the other two did?)

Donald Trump is the result of all that extremism on the Right that has been funded by the likes of the Koch brothers and propagandized by Rupert Murdoch. That is the ONLY thing that can explain the existence of that fully-loaded, used diaper with a rat’s nest on his head, making it as far as he has through the political process. Realistically, he should have never gotten this far. Realistically, he should be doing what he always does: clearing out the life savings of gamblers while simultaneously filing for bankruptcy every few years.

I know there are normal, middle-of-the-road, non Tea-Partying Republicans out there who are willing to go old school and work with the left. This country cannot run with one side parenting the clown posse on the other side. It’s time to grow up, put on your big boy pants, and realize the world is changing and instead of fighting every change, work with it. Work with us. Until you do, there will be more assholes like Trump, along with the other (as of recent count) 14, potential candidates, making a mockery out of a Party that used to actually have some semblance of self-respect.

It’s shameful, and it’s a shame. I never thought I’d say this, but, COME ON REPUBLICANS.. YOU’RE BETTER than this!! (Maybe.)

With love,  a full-blooded Lefty-Liberal

Bernie 2016!!
